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Conference Proceedings

International Blast Furnace Hearth and Raceway Symposium, Newcastle

Conference Proceedings

International Blast Furnace Hearth and Raceway Symposium, Newcastle

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The Extent of Raceways in A Blast Furnace and its Dependence on Combined Blast Parameters

One of the fundamental parameters of the race- way is its extent (a{ o), which has a significant effect on the distribution of gas and material flows in the lower region of the furnace. pp The known relationships for determination of aC o in most cases link the length of the raceway with the parameters of the blast, while the para- meters of the coke layer, in which the raceway is formed, are either ignored or else expressed in terms which are difficult to determine experimen- tally. Furthermore, the coke combustion propert- ies are not always taken into account in current blast furnace operating practice with combined blast. A complex dimensionless parameter, which re- flects the properties of the interacting media, is the ratio of the kinetic energy of the hot, com- bined gas stream to the potential energy of the coke flow, burning at the tuyere in a gas of known composition. Statistical processing of experimental data on the extent of the raceway zone, obtained from literature and our own work on operational furnac- es, has led to a working formula of the following Form:
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  • Published: 1981
  • PDF Size: 0.218 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P198101019

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