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Conference Proceedings

International Future Mining Conference 2024 Proceedings

Conference Proceedings

International Future Mining Conference 2024 Proceedings

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Advancing sustainability in pumping systems – a comprehensive methodology for calculating, monitoring and minimising power and water consumption

Pumps play a critical role in mining operations, and their energy consumption and environmental
impact are significant. This paper addresses the need for a holistic approach to sustainable pump
deployment by expanding on previous work presented at IMPC Asia Pacific 2022 and World Mining
Congress 2023. The research takes a significant step forward by outlining a structured approach to
estimate and demonstrate sustainability tailored for operational slurry pumps. It details the
calculation methodologies used to quantify the carbon dioxide emissions from electricity, wear
materials and transport, as well as sealing water usage. To enhance practicality and usability, a
simplified visual representation—called sustainability metrics—has been developed to monitor
overall efficiency. The sustainability metrics consist of the availability, pump efficiency, and water
utilisation efficiency. The proposed methodology is integrated with Pumps Condition Monitoring
Service to maximise benefits. Three case studies, from iron ore, copper, and nickel operations
globally, were employed to evaluate the proposed methodology. The findings demonstrate the critical
role of sustainability calculations in understanding pumps operation. These calculations improve
awareness of the pump’s role in the sustainability journey and enable effective monitoring. The
studies highlight that continuous monitoring paired with effective prescriptive maintenance strategy
can significantly reduce power and water consumption while maximising pump availability. The case
studies also reveal significant shortcomings in current operational practices and non-optimal
maintenance regimes, emphasising the need for practical recommendations to maximise savings
and optimise pump performance. In the context of increasing climate change awareness and the
imperative for global decarbonisation, this research highlights the necessity of critically assessing
methods and operations to drive sustainability in the mining industry. By adopting a holistic approach
to sustainable pump deployment, mining operations can effectively reduce their environmental
impact while enhancing operational efficiency and economic viability. The proposed methodology
and case studies provide valuable insights and practical recommendations for mining companies
seeking to achieve sustainable practices and contribute to a decarbonised future.
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  • Advancing sustainability in pumping systems – a comprehensive methodology for calculating, monitoring and minimising power and water consumption
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  • Published: 2024
  • Unique ID: P-04275-G1Q2Y9

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