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Conference Proceedings

International Future Mining Conference 2024 Proceedings

Conference Proceedings

International Future Mining Conference 2024 Proceedings

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Investigating the impact of royalties on commercial lunar ice mining

The mining industry has undergone a profound and transformative shift in recent years, driven by
the rapid advancement of emerging technologies such as automation, digitalisation, and
electrification. These technological innovations have not only revolutionised operational efficiency
and productivity but have also introduced an imperative need for new and innovative approaches to
conducting mining activities. Specifically, the mines of the future face a new series of complex
challenges when planning and developing greenfield or brownfield mining projects in the 21st
century. These challenges include greater operational depths, higher seismicity levels, higher rock
temperatures, increased environmental constraints and sustainability requirements, a higher degree
of interoperability, lack of skilled workforce, and the need for sustainable and eco-friendly mining
practices. Consequently, there is an essential need to formulate novel strategies and robust planning
methodologies that re-evaluate how mines are planned, executed, and managed, from the early
exploration stages to the post-mining era and the consequent uses of mine sites. This research
focuses on identifying the factors influencing the implementation of modern technologies, such as
autonomous machinery in mining operations, and their impact on mining method selection and longterm
mine planning. The findings underscore a crucial need for a paradigm shift in how mines are
planned and developed, going beyond mining method selection, which primarily focuses on
geological and economic factors, and must evolve to incorporate the multifaceted implications of
modern mining operations.
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  • Investigating the impact of royalties on commercial lunar ice mining
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  • Investigating the impact of royalties on commercial lunar ice mining
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  • Published: 2024
  • Unique ID: P-04257-X6X1K3

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