Conference Proceedings
International Future Mining Conference 2024 Proceedings
Conference Proceedings
International Future Mining Conference 2024 Proceedings
Radar guided blasthole drilling improves product recovery
A critical step in open cut coal mining is clean removal of the overburden. This is usually achieved by drilling, blasting and digging. A key part of this process being successful is to stop drilling at the correct blast ‘stand-off distance’. The stand-off distance is the distance between the base of the drilled blasthole and the top of the coal horizon to be mined. Having this correct provides a protective cap of rock above the coal horizon so that the blast will fracture all the overburden without damaging the coal horizon or mixing it with the overburden. Drilling beyond the correct stand-off distance causes the blast to continue into the coal horizon, damaging it and mixing it with the overburden, leading to significant losses of coal product. Conversely, drilling short of the correct stand-off distance results in additional work to remove the intact overburden.
W Stasinowsky, B Zhou, M van de Werken, I Mason, J Hargreaves
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- Published: 2024
- Unique ID: P-04238-V2R8B7