Conference Proceedings
International Future Mining Conference 2024 Proceedings
Conference Proceedings
International Future Mining Conference 2024 Proceedings
Subtek™ 4D™ – Optimised blasting performance through the application of new underground bulk explosive technology
Bulk explosive technology for underground mining has not seen any significant technological advances since the widespread transition from ammonium nitrate fuel oil (ANFO) to ammonium nitrate emulsions (ANE) commencing in the 1980s. The in-hole energy profile that conventional ANE systems deliver is limited by the physics of chemical gassing and simple control systems. This compromises the range, precision, and accuracy of energy delivery into the blasthole, and in some cases limits the length of charge that can be delivered. Orica’s 4D™ bulk system removes many of these constraints, enabling better blasting performance across all underground mining methods. This paper reviews work completed at three mining operations across Australia, the United States, and Chile with a focus on how this system can improve mining operations and deliver sustained commercial and productivity benefits into the future. These benefits include improved ore recovery, reduced dilution from waste rock, and reduced overall explosives consumption. This paper also reviews how this new technology can be applied for planning future mining operations.
S Evans, B Taylor
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- Published: 2024
- Unique ID: P-04210-Y1P2B0