Conference Proceedings
International Heavy Minerals Conference
Conference Proceedings
International Heavy Minerals Conference
The Third International Heavy Minerals Conference marks the first occasion that this series has been held outside South Africa. It has become the prime international forum for professionals within the heavy minerals industry to meet and exchange information on important technical issues and best practice. This volume takes 'Advances in Mineral Beneficiation' as its core theme. 2001 has been an exciting time for the heavy minerals industry and this volume examines the changes evident in the corporate, project and technical and regulatory arenas. This volume is an important asset to the heavy minerals industry to assist in improving operations by providing updates and new information on subjects vital to the heavy minerals industry today. The 34 papers (240 pages) included in this volume cover a wide range of topics under the following headings: Geology and Exploration, New Projects, Mineralogy, Mineral Processing, Mining and Environment, Ilmenite Beneficiation.
Papers in collection
- Evolution of the Northern KwaZulu-Natal Coastal Dune Cordon, South Africa; Evidence From Clays Go to Paper
- Geological and Geotechnical Characteristics of the Corridor Sands Deposits in Mozambique Go to Paper
- The Douglas Project Strandline Systems, Wimmera Region, Western Victoria Go to Paper
- The Use of Novel Approaches to Separate Heavy Minerals from Alberta's Oil Sands Go to Paper
- The Industrial Synergy Between Mineral Sands and Saline Waters of the Murray Basin, Australia Go to Paper
- Optimal Resource Utilisation Go to Paper
- Staurolite Product Development Go to Paper
- Quantitative and Process Mineralogy at Tiwest Go to Paper
- Electron Microprobe Mapping - A Diagnostic Tool for Ilmenite Characterisation Go to Paper
- Measuring the Resistivity of Titanium Minerals in a Corona Field Go to Paper
- Determining Mineral Composition From Assays Go to Paper
- Sodium Removal from Heat and Leach Process Treated Zircon Sands Go to Paper
- On-Line Measurement of Magnetic Susceptibility for Titanium Minerals Processing Go to Paper
- Pilot Plant Work as an Aid to Process Flow Line Development and Process Choices Go to Paper
- Pilot Plant Objectives and Considerations for Evaluating the Waste Disposal of High Slimes Heavy Mineral Sand Deposits Go to Paper
- Gravity Concentration - A Better Way (or How to Produce Heavy Mineral Concentrate and Not Recirculating Loads) Go to Paper
- Knelson Continuous Variable Discharge Concentrator: Analysis of Operating Variables Go to Paper
- Control of Mineral Sands Dry Plant Go to Paper
- The Many Uses of Rare-Earth Magnetic Separators for Heavy Mineral Sands Processing Go to Paper
- Flotation of Chromite - A Review With Applications to Upgrading Chromium-Contaminated Ilmenite Go to Paper
- Rare Earths Production in Australia - Lost or Future Opportunities? Go to Paper
- A Fully Integrated Approach to Mine Planning for Proposed Mineral Sand Projects Go to Paper
- Integrated Dredging Automation Go to Paper
- Managing Environmental Impact Assessments of Heavy Mineral Projects in Africa - Potential Pitfalls and Proactive Planning Go to Paper
- The Management of Radioactivity in the Heavy Minerals Industry Go to Paper
- The Future for Ilmenite Beneficiation Technologies Go to Paper
- Murray Basin Ilmenite - Realising the Value Go to Paper
- Application of Rotating Magnetic Field (RMF) to the Separation of Roasted Ilmenite Go to Paper
- Low-Temperature Roasting of Ilmenite - Phase Chemistry and Applications Go to Paper
- Ilmenite Beneficiation by Roasting and Magnetic Separation Go to Paper
- The Kinetics of Ilmenite Leaching in Hydrochloric Acid Go to Paper
- Reactivity of Australian Coal Chars in Ilmenite Reduction Go to Paper
- Eliminating Waste Streams on Synthetic Rutile Plants: Treatment of Electrostatic Precipitator Fume by Plant Acid Effluent Go to Paper
- The Effect of Power Ultrasound in the Production of Synthetic Rutile by the Becher Process Go to Paper
C I Ware, G P Whitmore, R Uken, K G Mercer, H R Pein, B Farrell, N O’Loughlin, D Judkins, P Slyth, S Hart, T McGuire, R Russell, J Oxenford, J Coward, S Bulatovic, H Aral, G Sparrow, P Grigg, D von Horn, A Elliott, S Benson, G Showers, P Louden, C Rothnie, M Pownceby, C MacRae, N Wilson, M Ng, P N Holtham, N Zhang, W Whiten, K J McDonald, G Cavanough, W G van der Westhuizen, G Balderson, N Ross, N Goldup, J Elder, W Kow, J Domenico, D Wyatt, M McLeavy, B Klein, I Grewal, R A Pax, D Gelling, B R Arvidson, G W Heyes, W J Bruckard, L K Smith, D J Kingsnorth, J Chegwidden, M P Bixley, K Law, A M Avis, J H Selby, S K Gilman, R K A Taylor, B J Reaveley, T J Scanlon, N Allen, I E Grey, C Li, J D Gouws, J P van Dyk, I Grey, C Brown, T Nicholson, K McDonald, M Fisher-White, J V Dubrawski, M M Collisson, A F Collings, A D Farmer, A A Struthers
PD Hours
Approved activity
- Published: 2001
- Unique ID: PA-200103