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Conference Proceedings

International Heavy Minerals Conference

Conference Proceedings

International Heavy Minerals Conference

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Electron Microprobe Mapping - A Diagnostic Tool for Ilmenite Characterisation

CSIRO Minerals has recently developed an electron microprobe (EMP) based imaging (or mapping) method for characterising ilmenite concentrates. The method requires an electron microprobe analyser to collect elemental X-ray maps which are then processed via an in-house developed software module (CHIMAGE). The type of information readily available from EMP mapping includes; primary phase identification, modal analysis of phases, chemical analysis of individual phases, textural information (eg the alteration stages in the formation of leucoxene or pseudorutile from primary ilmenite and the development of macro-porosity), and the identification of coatings or pore-fill material. All of these parameters will impact on the choice of future downstream processing options considered for any particular ilmenite concentrate. The method has been demonstrated to be a sensitive analytical tool for assessing the distribution of aluminosilicate minor impurities in ilmenite feedstocks from the West Coast of Australia and also for characterising the complex chrome-spinel gangue phases common in East Coast ilmenite concentrates from the Murray Basin.
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  • Published: 2001
  • PDF Size: 0.278 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P200103009

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