Conference Proceedings
International Heavy Minerals Conference
Conference Proceedings
International Heavy Minerals Conference
Measuring the Resistivity of Titanium Minerals in a Corona Field
As part of a long-term study of titanium minerals processing being undertaken by the Julius Kruttschnitt Mineral Research Centre (JKMRC), techniques have been developed to measure the electrical properties of the various minerals. The measured values will be used to model the behaviour of the various minerals in high-tension roll and electrostatic plate separators. The resistivities of ilmenite, rutile and zircon from a number of Australian producers have been measured by applying a DC voltage across a test sample and measuring the resulting very small current flow. By appropriate design of the measurement cell and attention to the experimental procedure, reproducible resistivity values have been obtained, ranging from 106m for ilmenite to 1013m for zircon. However, the conditions of measurement are radically different from those under which electrical separation takes place. It is not certain that the measured values reflect the resistivities seen under high-tension separation, during which the particles are subject to a high intensity corona field. Consequently, an alternative technique for measurement of resistivity under conditions of corona bombardment has been developed. It is based on the experimental procedure of Castle and Yelle (1979) used to measure the resistivity of fly ash under the conditions occurring in electrostatic precipitators. This paper describes the development of the segmented ground plane measurement surface and a high-voltage switched resistor network which comprises the in situ resistivity apparatus. Results are presented comparing the measurements made under corona bombardment with those made using the DC measurement cell. The equipment has also been used to study the current distribution from a corona wire, as a function of high-tension voltage and wire-to-plane spacing.
M Ng, P N Holtham
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- Published: 2001
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- Unique ID: P200103010