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Conference Proceedings

International Mine Management Conference 2006

Conference Proceedings

International Mine Management Conference 2006

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The Mine Manager's Toolkit

As the surrounding environment continues to change and evolve, mine managers face a changing climate of expectations. Today's mine managers must juggle competing pressures to deliver sound social, environmental and economic results._x000D_
Leadership is a fundamental tool for the effective mine manager. Whilst mine managers require solid technical and operational skills, importantly the manager must be able to engage a workforce, build and retain employees and seize opportunity for growth and development when presented._x000D_
An important tool for engaging employees in the business at Rio Tinto Aluminium is the business improvement programme. At Rio Tinto Aluminium's Weipa mine, the business improvement methodology Six Sigma is used to deliver measurable, sustainable outcomes for the business. The next step in Rio Tinto Aluminium's improvement journey is to implement Lean Manufacturing at all managed operations._x000D_
The operating environment for mine managers continuously evolves and effective mine managers must be flexible and adaptive to meet challenges._x000D_
Governance and regulation constantly change in an environment of commodity cycles and finite resources. This increases pressure on the economic return achieved by the operation. As such, effective mine managers must be aware of and manage the operating environment - the broader, issues-based environment not just the immediate day-to-day responsibility of mine managing. This includes delivering on safety, community and environmental priorities._x000D_
At Rio Tinto Aluminium, part of managing the business is via investment in the area of social partnerships to engage employees and the broader community in Rio Tinto Aluminium's commitment to sustainability. The Future Reef partnership entered with the Great Barrier Reef Research Foundation in 2005 forms an important part of Rio Tinto Aluminium's climate change strategy. This four-year, A$1 million investment funds programmes looking at the effect of ocean acidification on the Great Barrier Reef. The partnership is a unique example of industry and science working together on an area of mutual and national concern._x000D_
Modern mine managers require a broad set of skills to effectively deliver outcomes. Today's mine managers must make innovative and courageous responses to determine today's strategy for tomorrow's future.
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  • Published: 2006
  • PDF Size: 0.069 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P200609002

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