Conference Proceedings
International Mining Processing Congress (IMPC) Asia-Pacific Conference 2022
Conference Proceedings
International Mining Processing Congress (IMPC) Asia-Pacific Conference 2022
The effect of soluble cations on monazite flotation
The presence of high concentrations of dissolved ions in groundwater, sea water or recycled water may alter the water structure, particle surface wettability and colloidal interactions between bubbles and particles and can have a significant effect on mineral flotation. While the impact of water quality on the flotation of precious and base metal minerals is well established, no relevant published study exists currently regarding the effect of water salinity on the flotation of rare earth bearing minerals. This paper attempts to quantify the effect of water quality variation on flotation recovery and grade of rare earth minerals and gain an understanding on which ions existing in saline water affect flotation behaviour. Specifically, it is aimed at investigating the effects of water quality on the flotation of monazite in the presence of cations such as Ca2+, Mg2+, K+, and Na+. Flotation tests, zeta potential measurements, and adsorption tests were performed to explain the flotation behaviour. It was found that monovalent ions such as Na+ and K+ have negative impact on rare earth minerals recovery and grade. The result of single mineral flotation tests showed that the floatability of monazite was significantly depressed in the presence of Ca2+ and Mg2+. The result of single mineral flotation test showed varying depression levels in the presence ions in the order of Ca2+ > Mg2+ > Na ~ K.
M Jung, B Tadesse, B Albijanic and L G Dyer
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- Published: 2022
- Pages: 10
- PDF Size: 0.501 Mb.
- Unique ID: P-02947-D6Y1R1