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Conference Proceedings

Iron Ore 2007

Conference Proceedings

Iron Ore 2007

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A Possible Origin of Pisolitic Iron Ore Deposits from Raindrops and Sheetwash in a Semi-Arid Environment

Pisolitic iron ores (also known as channel iron deposits) are an important resource of medium-grade iron ore in the Hamersley Province of Western Australia. They are a special case of transported pisolitic ferricrust, differing from normal transported ferricrust only in the exceptionally high iron and low alumina content. The pisoids typically range up to 5 mm in diameter with abundant particles of ferruginised fossil wood up to 15 mm in maximum diameter preserved in the sediment._x000D_
Field observations indicate that pisoliths are commonly initiated by the action of raindrops on iron-rich soil. Pisolites form by the impact of raindrops forming coated beads of ferruginous soil, which after dehydration obtain additional coatings during successive showers. Thick deposits of pisolite that are transported and deposited primarily by sheetwash form in the distal regions of the pediment. A size range limited to particles that may be transported by extremely shallow water characterises the abundant fossil wood fragments. The absence of fine sedimentary layering in pisolitic iron ores is explained by the action of soil-forming processes after deposition, while the major coarse bedding features derive from successive erosional and depositional events in the evolution of the pediment. They are not deposited in channels by rivers which, in arid to semi-arid conditions, typically deposit quartz sands and gravels with characteristic point bars and current bedding, abundant ferruginous granules, but rarely pisoids. However, they may fill abandoned river channels.
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  • Published: 2007
  • PDF Size: 2.293 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P200706017

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