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Conference Proceedings

Iron Ore 2007

Conference Proceedings

Iron Ore 2007

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BHP Billiton Iron Ore Car Dumper 4 - Temporary Works

BHP Billiton's new rotary iron ore car dumper installation at Finucane Island (Port Hedland) was constructed to increase the total capacity of the port facility from 110 Mtpa to 120 Mtpa and to allow for incremental capacity increases in future. The arrangement of the dumper is similar to other car dumper installations existing on site._x000D_
To construct the facility, approximately 120 000 m3 of material was excavated in six months, to a total depth of 22 m. The saline water table was nominally 6 m below ground level and the materials excavated varied depending on depth, ranging from sand to mangrove muds. There was a need to retain the sides of the excavation and limit the amount of water from entering the excavated area. This was required to allow excavation to progress and had to be maintained during construction of the permanent concrete and steel facility. The excavation was backfilled progressively as construction progressed._x000D_
Various retaining wall methods were investigated with the preferred option being sheet piles secured by walers and ground anchors. Detailed electronic models were developed and assessed to complete the final design arrangement. Dewatering bores around the perimeter of the excavation removed the groundwater to intercepted sumps within the site. A strict and methodical program was developed to monitor the integrity of the temporary works and the quality of the groundwater._x000D_
The works were completed on time despite the following challenges being encountered: availability of resources and equipment, movement of mobile plant on boggy' materials, difficulty driving sheet piles into material at depth, drilling of ground anchors to 32 m, grouting of ground anchors, greater than expected groundwater flows, and the risk of hydrocarbons within the groundwater._x000D_
The lessons learned from the use of the retention system and, in particular, the associated construction challenges overcome, provide a sound basis for similar work in this buoyant resource market._x000D_
The conference paper describes the temporary works options investigated, design considerations and processes, construction methodology and challenges encountered, and the monitoring systems developed. Lessons learned are also discussed.
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  • Published: 2007
  • PDF Size: 4.175 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P200706056

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