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Conference Proceedings

Iron Ore 2007

Conference Proceedings

Iron Ore 2007

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Characterisation and Beneficiation of Low-Grade Indian Iron Ore Fines

Indian iron ores with less than 62 per cent Fe are currently unexploited, except for a few sectors which export them to foreign countries. It is anticipated that by 2012 the country's domestic steel production is likely to rise to the tune of 60 million tonnes per annum. To meet this requirement, it is necessary to utilise not only the existing high-grade deposits but it is also necessary to look into exploiting the leftover iron ores of lower grades. Hence, reserves with Fe content 62 per cent and below (particularly the ores with <50 per cent fe) need to be upgraded using simple beneficiation techniques by setting up mini plants at the mine site itself._x000d_>
In the present paper, an attempt has been made to beneficiate three different types of low-grade iron ores selected from three different parts (states) of the country. In the paper, alternative routes for beneficiation and effective utilisation have been tested using different techniques in the laboratory in an attempt to match their (Al2O3/SiO2) ratio after thorough characterisation and liberation studies. The paper also encompasses the geological formations, occurrences and distribution of Indian iron ores as well as highlighting the problems associated with the fines, possible metallurgical routes, and their market segregation from the perspective of end users.
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  • Published: 2007
  • PDF Size: 0.295 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P200706057

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