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Conference Proceedings

Iron Ore 2007

Conference Proceedings

Iron Ore 2007

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Experimental Validation of the Discrete Element Method (DEM)

The prospect of discrete element modelling (DEM) being used as an everyday design tool for transfer chutes in the iron ore mining industry is becoming more and more probable. However, much care needs to be taken to ensure accurate results are obtained. Whilst there are many publications in industry portraying the potential of DEM, there is little evidence of where it has been validated against a real set of experimental results._x000D_
The purpose of this investigation was to gauge whether the incorporation of the physical properties of a specific bulk material at the DEM pre-processing stage can yield visually and numerically accurate simulations for a simple flow case. Effects such as irregular particle shapes, varying frictional properties and coefficients of restitution, all found through experimentation were investigated. Video analysis was used to compare simulations to real flow cases._x000D_
It was found the most critical attributes in determining the accuracy of the simulations were particle shape and wall friction. Keeping the particle-to-wall friction factor constant was not sufficient to describe the flow accurately. But by introducing the varying effects of wall friction with consolidation stress, the correct results were simulated.
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  • Published: 2007
  • PDF Size: 2.505 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P200706050

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