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Conference Proceedings

Iron Ore 2007

Conference Proceedings

Iron Ore 2007

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Mineral Zonation and Stratigraphy of the Tilden Haematite Deposit, Marquette Range, Michigan, USA

Hypogene alteration zones have been described as a precursor to high-grade haematite deposits in Australia, Brazil and elsewhere. This alteration is described as being below or distal and is typically magnetite-carbonate-silicates reflecting Mg - Fe metasomatism. This paper describes, without genetic implication, the mineral zonation and possible structural control on mineralogic variation within the Tilden Mine, a concentrating grade haematite deposit in Michigan, USA. In contrast to the high-grade deposits, these variations are not peripheral to the orebodies but are the ore._x000D_
The deposit occurs within the Negaunee Iron Formation, along the southern margin of the Paleoproterozoic Marquette Range Supergroup basin. The regional structure is a fault-bounded west plunging syncline within the crustal scale Great Lakes Tectonic Zone, which forms the boundary between Archean granite-greenstone and gneissic terranes. Local structure consists of second-order anticlines and synclines with variable northwest and southwest plunges. The interaction of sedimentation and diagenesis within growth fault controlled basins, along with a possible metamorphic and/or hydrothermal overprint has resulted in a complex series of ore types._x000D_
For modelling purposes, the deposit is divided into geologic domains based on both lithology and metallurgical response in the laboratory and in the plant. Mineralogic variation is recognised within individual mineral grains; at blast pattern (10 - 15 m) and development drill hole (100 m) scales.
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  • Mineral Zonation and Stratigraphy of the Tilden Haematite Deposit, Marquette Range, Michigan, USA
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  • Mineral Zonation and Stratigraphy of the Tilden Haematite Deposit, Marquette Range, Michigan, USA
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  • Published: 2007
  • PDF Size: 5.496 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P200706018

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