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Conference Proceedings

Iron Ore 2007

Conference Proceedings

Iron Ore 2007

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Simulation of Product Size Distributions of a Marra Mamba Iron Ore - Comparison of Conventional Drill and Blast Versus Surface Miner Product at the Cloud Break Deposit

The Wirtgen surface miner was investigated for application to the Cloud Break iron ore deposit since it can selectively mine thin seams and there is no requirement for drilling and blasting or primary crushing as the surface miner cuts and breaks the rock to secondary cone crusher feed size. A physical metallurgical study of the surface miner run-of-mine (ROM) from Cloud Break was conducted to better understand the product size distribution, amount of -31.5 +6.3 mm lump produced, lump stability and physical metallurgical quality compared to conventional drill and blast techniques. Since the Cloud Break mine was not in production, the lump product from crushing and screening of surface miner ROM was compared with product simulations using traditional premining physical metallurgical processing techniques including drop testing of PQ diamond core. Drop test conditioning is widely used in the iron ore industry to simulate blasting, crushing and screening at the mine and subsequent product degradation during handling from mine to port to predict both the amount of lump product on ship and the size distribution of the fines and lump._x000D_
The size distributions of surface miner ROM for hard, medium and friable ore types show very tight size distributions with very little above 100 - 150 mm, about 60 per cent of the distribution between 75 and 6.3 mm, with less below 1 mm compared to conventional drill and blast ROM. Crushing, screening and drop test conditioning of the surface miner ROM produced more lump in equivalent ore types compared to drill and blast techniques or their breakage simulation using PQ diamond core. The higher lump yield from the surface miner was also confirmed by pilot scale crushing of some 7400 t of surface miner ROM from the Cloud Break trial pit. The lump produced from surface miner ROM was quite stable and showed similar low degradation characteristics to lump simulated from drill and blasting techniques. Product size distribution simulations using conditioned crushed lump from 1 m diameter Bauer hole samples were found to compare well with processed PQ core samples and surface miner product from trial mining at Cloud Break. The Bauer sample method is therefore considered to be a very useful close simulation to actual lump production, although the lump yield is lower.
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  • Simulation of Product Size Distributions of a Marra Mamba Iron Ore - Comparison of Conventional Drill and Blast Versus Surface Miner Product at the Cloud Break Deposit
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  • Simulation of Product Size Distributions of a Marra Mamba Iron Ore - Comparison of Conventional Drill and Blast Versus Surface Miner Product at the Cloud Break Deposit
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  • Published: 2007
  • PDF Size: 0.616 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P200706034

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