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Conference Proceedings

Iron Ore 2007

Conference Proceedings

Iron Ore 2007

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The Effect of Titanium on Reduction Degradation of Iron Ore Agglomerates

A strong correlation between the reduction degradation index (RDI) of production sinter and the titanium content of the sinter mix was identified at the Ruukki sintering plant between 2000 and 2004. The titanium distribution in different mineral phases was studied using samples from pot sintering tests. Titanium additions were made using two different materials: rutile and crushed titanium-bearing haematite pellets. While both titanium additions clearly increased the RDI, titanium seemed to favour secondary haematite. The study focused on the effect of titanium in haematite, because haematite is reduced to magnetite in the RDI test. During the haematite-magnetite reduction, reduction degradation was observed. To increase accuracy, the phenomenon was investigated first by sintering and then reducing synthetic minerals under controlled laboratory conditions at the University of Oulu. The effect of titanium oxide in solid solution in magnetite on the magnetite to haematite transformation rate was studied first in order to simulate the final stage of the sintering process. In other experiments, haematite samples doped with 0.5, 2.0 and 5.0 wt per cent titanium oxide were studied using thermogravimetry under a controlled gas atmosphere (CO/CO2/H2/N2). Sintered samples were reduced using the same gas composition as in the RDI test. Polished sections for optical microscopy and SEM-EDS analysis were prepared from both reduced and oxidised samples and unreduced sintered samples. The titanium oxide content of haematite had a clear effect on reduction degradation of the samples. Furthermore, increasing titanium oxide content in solid solution in magnetite radically accelerated the oxidation rate. Similar observations regarding the effects of titanium have been reported earlier, but this was the first time the effect of very small additions of titanium were shown to deteriorate blast furnace burden quality and a reason suggested behind the process.
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  • Published: 2007
  • PDF Size: 3.135 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P200706052

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