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Conference Proceedings

Iron Ore 2007

Conference Proceedings

Iron Ore 2007

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The Geomorphology of the Channel Iron Deposit in Bungaroo Valley - The Formation of an Irregular Basal Topography and its Impacts on Resource Recovery

The Bungaroo Valley hosts a concealed Tertiary channel iron deposit (CID) along a 17 km stretch of its length. Bungaroo Valley is approximately 0.5 km wide upstream at its easternmost extent, and 3.5 km wide downstream where it joins the Jimmawarrada Creek. The valley follows the axial trace of an anticline that plunges gently to the southeast, and the CID infills the valley. Mineralisation extends to a depth of 230 m below the surface, and almost the entire deposit occurs below the water table._x000D_
Bungaroo Valley cuts through the Buckland Hills and is bounded to the north and south by steep scarps capped with the resistant Dales Gorge Member of the Brockman Iron Formation. Basement rocks are believed to be mostly Wittenoom Formation shales and dolomites, with Mount McRae Shale and Mount Sylvia Formation also present. Deep, localised depressions appear at the base of the CID sequence towards the north edge of the upstream section of the valley, while downstream the basal CID contact is relatively flat and shallow. In both cases the profile of the CID surface closely mirrors that of the basal contact._x000D_
The localised depressions seen in the upstream basal CID contact produce significant variations in CID thickness of up to 100 m over short strike distances. This uneven palaeotopography is most likely due to eddying and waterfalls forming within the riverbed prior to CID deposition during a time when the water table was much lower than at present. It may also be associated with possible karsting in an underlying dolomite unit and subsequent syn- or post-depositional collapse of the overlying CID._x000D_
The irregular basal contact of the Bungaroo CID sequence has implications for mining in terms of pit design and resource accessibility.
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  • The Geomorphology of the Channel Iron Deposit in Bungaroo Valley - The Formation of an Irregular Basal Topography and its Impacts on Resource Recovery
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  • Published: 2007
  • PDF Size: 2.769 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P200706020

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