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Iron Ore 2009

Conference Proceedings

Iron Ore 2009

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Journey to the Edge of the Basin - Stratigraphic Setting and Iron Mineralisation at the Davidson Creek and Robertson Range Projects, Hamersley Province,Western Australia

FerrAus Ltd's Robertson Range and Davidson Creek Projects are located in the Hamersley Province about 100 km east of Newman, Western Australia. Significant iron mineralisation defined by an aggressive exploration program within the Marra Mamba Iron Formation is shallowly north dipping at Davidson Creek, and mainly shallowly east dipping at Robertson Range, forming part of a regional scale anticline with the granitic and greenstone basement of the Sylvania Inlier as its core._x000D_
With minor exceptions, the stratigraphy is comparable with that seen in the main Hamersley Basin. Granite and greenstone basement rocks of the Sylvania Inlier are unconformably overlain by shales and volcanic rocks of the Fortescue Group. The overlying Hamersley Group is locally represented by interbedded chert, banded iron-formation (BIF) and shales of the Marra Mamba Iron Formation (Nammuldi, MacLeod and Mount Newman Members), and dolomites, cherts, BIF and shales of the Wittenoom Formation. Iron enrichment occurs predominantly in the Mount Newman Member, and to a lesser extent in the West Angela Member of the Wittenoom Formation._x000D_
Enrichment varies from 20 - 30 m in thickness in elongate bodies up to 3 km in strike length, and generally thins down dip. At Davidson Creek iron mineralisation is a haematite-goethite-ochreous goethite assemblage, while at Robertson Range this assemblage is consistently overprinted by a later, goethitic alteration related to 'hardcap' weathering. Near surface hardcap alteration in both project areas comprises more siliceous, aluminous and vitreous goethite._x000D_
Initial exploration completed by Rio Tinto Exploration between 1999 and 2001 indicated the potential for about 20 Mt of iron mineralisation at Robertson Range. Since 2005 a detailed exploration program undertaken by Australian Manganese Pty Ltd (a wholly owned subsidiary of FerrAus Ltd) has defined a global indicated and inferred resource totaling 164.4 Mt at 58.6 per cent Fe (ASX: FRS 17 April 2009).
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  • Journey to the Edge of the Basin - Stratigraphic Setting and Iron Mineralisation at the Davidson Creek and Robertson Range Projects, Hamersley Province,Western Australia
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  • Journey to the Edge of the Basin - Stratigraphic Setting and Iron Mineralisation at the Davidson Creek and Robertson Range Projects, Hamersley Province,Western Australia
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  • Published: 2008
  • PDF Size: 2.066 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P200907009

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