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Conference Proceedings

Iron Ore 2009

Conference Proceedings

Iron Ore 2009

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The Differences Between the Iron Formations of Gro Par Group and Greenstone Belt Andorinhas in the Carajs Mineral Province, Par State, Brazil

The Grao Para and Rio Maria greenstone banded iron formations (BIFs), within the Carajas mineral province, exhibit distinct lithological and petrographic fabrics, together with pronounced differences in their surface expression, real thickness, iron grade and tonnage. These geological differences support a new model for the regional distribution of iron formations in the Carajas Mineral Province.
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  • The Differences Between the Iron Formations of Gro Par Group and Greenstone Belt Andorinhas in the Carajs Mineral Province, Par State, Brazil
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  • The Differences Between the Iron Formations of Gro Par Group and Greenstone Belt Andorinhas in the Carajs Mineral Province, Par State, Brazil
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  • Published: 2008
  • PDF Size: 12.568 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P200907019

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