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Conference Proceedings

Iron Ore 2011

Conference Proceedings

Iron Ore 2011


Dewatering Marra Mamba - Lessons Learned

BHP Billiton's Area C iron ore operation has been in production since 2003._x000D_
During 2010, below water table mining in the Marra Mamba formation commenced and dewatered ore has been successfully processed through the plant.The ability to mine below water table material increases reserves. Pits can be dewatered using a combination of ex-pit and in-pit bores. Critically it is important to allow suffi cient lead time to dewater. For Area C, in-pit bores yield the most water which presents challenges in every day operations when mining around bores. Operationally there are steep learning curves in obtaining equipment, training personnel and setting up infrastructure. Core risks include lifting, refuelling and maintaining gensets. The pipework, extraction and re-establishment work can be very manual.The challenges include blasting, mining, stockpiling, processing, water balance and disposal._x000D_
Maximising up time on bores whilst minimising impacts to blast practices have evolved. Blast practices now align bores to the edge of patterns. Protecting bores have evolved from stemming bores with rock and re-drilling to using gas bags which require no drills. Based on moisture and material properties, mining of dewatered material can be categorised into three groups:1._x000D_
normal,2. sheeting, and3. sheeting and top loading.Ore can go straight to the plant ore to drying pads where it takes between one and three months to drain.Stock management of these piles is important to ensure efficiency of the plant. Rules have been established for blending wet material to maintain feed capacity and some modifications to plants have been made. Dewatering of pits poses a challenge for water use. Initially turkey's nests were established to capture water and use for dust suppression. As water abstraction has increased methods of management include using exhausted pits for storage and evaporators. Managed Aquifer recharge and use in potable water are being considered. An over arching coordination of the capacity and use are required.Important elements in dewatering include: capacity models, capital, long to short planning, day to day coordination, and_x000D_
water level monitoring and balances._x000D_
Success in dewatering requires a cross function team working towards a common goal._x000D_
*This is an abstract only. No paper was provided for this abstract.*
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  • Published: 2011
  • PDF Size: 0.048 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P201106004

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