Conference Proceedings
Iron Ore 2011
Conference Proceedings
Iron Ore 2011
Discovery and Geology of the McPhee Creek Iron Deposit, Northern Pilbara, Western Australia
The McPhee Creek bedded iron deposit is a recent discovery made by Giralia Resources NL (Giralia) in the northern Pilbara of Western Australia. The deposit lies 30 km north of the town of Nullagine along the southeastern margin of the East Pilbara Granite-Greenstone Terrane (EPGGT).The McPhee Creek area is located in the Kelly Greenstone Belt in the southeastern part of the EPGGT. The Archaean aged greenstone belt consists of volcanic and sedimentary sequences including the Warrawoona Group and the Gorge Creek Group. The McPhee Creek iron ore deposit lies within banded iron formation (BIF) rocks of the Gorge Creek Group. The structure of the McPhee Creek area is dominated by a northeast trending, upright synform (Sandy Creek Syncline) and associated folding that is truncated by northeast trending faults in the east. Iron ore mineralisation is predominantly stratabound and follows the dip of the bedding - however, in some areas, particularly in the southwest of the deposit, mapped steep to moderate dips of bedding planes are at odds with underlying fl at mineralised zones in drill sections. Zones within the deposit that contain substantial thickness of iron ore correspond to areas of complex folding suggesting structural control and iron enrichment in fold hinges. Petrographic analyses confirm mineralisation is goethite dominant and the deposit is strongly supergene enriched.Giralia initially identified iron ore potential in the McPhee Creek area through the presence of a small known channel iron deposit (CID) mesa. Giralia began exploration in 2008 by re-drilling a portion of the CID (subsequently named Crescent Moon) and reported a small low-grade Inferred Mineral Resource. Target generation in the wider area utilising Geological Society of Western Australia maps and Ikonos satellite images identifi ed strongly ferruginous outcrops associated with major structures along an 8 km long range located 2.5 km to the west north-west of the Crescent Moon CID deposit. In late July 2008, a total of 62 rock chip samples were collected during a helicopter supported sampling program conducted at McPhee Creek. Samples taken from haematite-goethite enriched BIF and canga zones outcropping intermittently over the 8 km length of the western and central areas of the prominent range assayed up to 63 per cent Fe. These zones represent the discovery outcrops and surface expression of the McPhee Creek main range iron ore deposit.Follow up sampling, geological mapping, bulldozing of access tracks and ramps and reverse circulation (RC) drilling commenced in September 2009. A maiden Inferred Mineral Resource was announced by Giralia to the Australasian Securities Exchange (ASX) on 15 December 2009.The current Indicated and Inferred Mineral Resource at December 2010 stands at 260 Mt grading 56.2 per cent Fe, 0.12 per cent P, 6.7 per cent SiO2, 2.3 per cent Al2O3 and 9.5 per cent LOI at a 50 per cent Fe cut-off. McPhee Creek is one of the largest iron deposits found in Archaean BIF in the northern Pilbara.
J D Goldsworthy, R M Joyce, P Bonato, A D'Hulst
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- Published: 2011
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