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Conference Proceedings

Iron Ore 2013

Conference Proceedings

Iron Ore 2013

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Effect of CaO-FexOy-Al2O3-SiO2 Oxide System on the Reduction of Carbon Composite Pellets

Due to the increasing amount of gangues in iron ores, a beneficiation process is required more as a preliminary step for ironmaking process. However, mechanical grinding and washing of iron ore needs tremendous effort that increases operating cost. Therefore, there is a necessity of a novel approach to ironmaking which can tolerate considerable amounts of silica or alumina. In the present study, a high alumina-carbon composite pellet was examined for an ironmaking process. The effect of compositional changes in the CaO-FexOy-Al2O3-SiO2 oxide system on the reduction of carbon composite pellets was investigated in a purpose built thermo-gravimetric analyser (TGA) at 1473K (1200C). As a result, alumina increased the reaction rate of carbon composite pellets by increasing surface area, while silica decreased the reaction rate by lowering surface area of samples. Infrared gas analysis assisted with the reaction kinetics of carbon composite pellets through measurement of CO and CO2 in off-gases. This study will assist with establishing the new pelletising method which differs from the conventional fluxed pellets._x000D_
CITATION:Park, H and Sahajwalla, V, 2013. Effect of CaO-FexOy-Al2O3-SiO2 oxide system on the reduction of carbon composite pellets, in Proceedings Iron Ore 2013, pp 467-472 (The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy: Melbourne).
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  • Effect of CaO-FexOy-Al2O3-SiO2 Oxide System on the Reduction of Carbon Composite Pellets
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  • Published: 2012
  • PDF Size: 2.817 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P201306059

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