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Iron Ore 2013

Conference Proceedings

Iron Ore 2013

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Managing Challenges Faced in the Brownfield Commissioning of an Ultra-Fine Hematite Processing Circuit at Arrium's Iron Duke Ore Beneficiation Plant

Arrium (previously OneSteel) initiated a desktop study into the performance of its hematite ore beneficiation plant in early 2010. The beneficiation plant utilises jig concentrators and spirals to upgrade low-grade hematite recovered during mining at the Iron Duke (ID) mine site located 60 km south-west of Whyalla. The study, conducted in conjunction with Mineral Technologies, identified a number of opportunities for improvement, which were validated by a series of sampling campaigns and a pilot plant trial. One of the major recommendations was to upgrade the ultra-fines processing circuit from a single-stage spiral circuit to a three-stage circuit. The upgrade of the ultra-fines circuit was estimated to provide a significant increase in fines production and grade.In order to capitalise on the strong iron price at the time of the project, Arrium decided to utilise a fast-tracked approach to design, construct and commission the processing equipment required to achieve the improvements identified. This decision introduced the risk of missing critical steps in the project development process, which could have potentially resulted in major issues in latter stages of the project. In addition to the challenges introduced due to the expedited time line for project completion, this project presented unique challenges due to its brownfield nature. One such challenge faced was the integration of the new equipment and control system software.Furthermore, the importance of the ID ore beneficiation plant (OBP) contribution to the company's export commitments meant the upgrade work had to occur while minimising disruption to normal operation. This decision presented a set of new challenges to an already complex project. One such challenge was the need to build and commission the new spiral circuit in isolation from the operating plant.The aim of this paper will be to highlight some of the challenges faced in a complex brownfield project such as the ID OBP upgrade and discuss how they were managed to enable the successful commissioning of the process in early 2012.CITATION:Selvapandian E and Barr, R, 2013. Managing challenges faced in the brownfield commissioning of an ultra-fine hematite processing circuit at Arrium's Iron Duke ore beneficiation plant, in Proceedings Iron Ore 2013 , pp 533-538 (The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy: Melbourne).
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  • Managing Challenges Faced in the Brownfield Commissioning of an Ultra-Fine Hematite Processing Circuit at Arrium's Iron Duke Ore Beneficiation Plant
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  • Published: 2013
  • PDF Size: 1.979 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P201306069

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