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Iron Ore 2013

Conference Proceedings

Iron Ore 2013

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Modelling Intact Rock Strength of Clay-Rich Rocks with Geochemistry at the Simandou Iron Ore Deposit, Guinea, West Africa

Phyllite waste rock at the Simandou Pic de Fon and Oueleba Iron Ore deposits (Guinea, West Africa) variably weather to form clay-rich rocks. This weathering modifies the mineralogical, geochemical and mechanical properties of the phyllites. Final pit walls will largely be formed in phyllite, so it is critical that the slope design takes account of the distribution and variability of weathering within this material. Phyllite intact material strength has been correlated with geochemistry (ie mineralogy) facilitating the establishment of domains of intact rock strength (IRS). In order to calibrate this geochemically-based strength model, core from diamond drilling (DD), comprising a variety of phyllite material types (from soft clay to moderate strength rock), was geotechnically logged to assess intact strength; further validation was achieved by uniaxial compression (UCS) testing and point load tests (PLT). The correlation between geochemistry and strength offers a potentially powerful tool for differentiating basic mechanical properties of the rock mass, especially at Simandou where a significant proportion of the resource drilling is done by reverse circulation (RC). Unlike DD, reliable measurements of material strength from RC samples can prove difficult, especially in clay-rich material. Therefore, gaining information from routine geochemical assay results, independent of the sample's physical integrity, is a valuable and cost-effective source of reliable empirical data. Data acquired using this approach provides an opportunity to develop strength domains, which are integrated into mine planning block models. In combination with other geotechnical characteristics, this can be a valuable input to the development of geotechnical models. This technique has allowed spatially representative rock strength data to be derived and offers the potential for optimising pit slope angles in areas where hitherto conservative design criteria had been assumed.CITATION:Jeffcoate, A, Campbell, M, Vannay, J-C and Perriaux, B, 2013._x000D_
Modelling intact rock strength of clay-rich rocks with geochemistry at the Simandou iron ore deposit, Guinea, West Africa, in Proceedings Iron Ore 2013 , pp 193-202 (The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy: Melbourne).
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  • Modelling Intact Rock Strength of Clay-Rich Rocks with Geochemistry at the Simandou Iron Ore Deposit, Guinea, West Africa
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  • Published: 2013
  • PDF Size: 3.503 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P201306022

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