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Conference Proceedings

Iron Ore 2013

Conference Proceedings

Iron Ore 2013

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Study on Improving Roasting Behaviours and Metallurgical Properties of Brazilian Hematite Pellets by Adding Magnetite with High Sulfur Content

In order to enhance the roasting behaviours and metallurgical properties of hematite pellets, which have the problems of high roasting temperature and low compressive strength, a process of producing Brazilian hematite pellets by adding high sulfur magnetite was developed in this paper, and process parameters have been optimised. It is shown that the roasting temperature decreases from 1320C to 1200C by adding 30 per cent of high sulfur magnetite. New Fe2O3 crystal oxidised from Fe3O4 is more active, which is beneficial to induration of pellet. When the ratio of magnetite increased to 50 per cent, only about 90C of the roasting temperature was decreased. Higher ratio of high sulfur magnetite causes more porosity of pellets because of oxidative desulfurisation, which is harmful to the strength of roasted pellets. The reduction disintegration index (RDI), presently RDI+3.15 of product pellets is aggrandised from 87.79 per cent to 99.54 per cent and 97.55 per cent, and the reduction swelling index (RSI) is lowered from 36.25 per cent to 12.50 per cent and 6.25 per cent respectively, by adding 30 per cent and 50 per cent of high sulfur magnetite. The compressive strength of roasted pellets is elevated obviously by adding high sulfur magnetite, which resists the inner stress of pellets during reduction process, so as to enhance the RDI and reduce the RSI of product pellets. In addition, the inner porosity may be filled by the swelling during the reduction process, which can also lower the RSI. The process provides a low power consumption of making hematite pellets that high sulfur magnetite can decrease roasting temperature significantly and improve the metallurgical properties of hematite pellets dramatically.CITATION:Zhu, D, Zhou, W, Pan, J and Li, Z, 2013. Study on improving roasting behaviours and metallurgical properties of Brazilian hematite pellets by adding magnetite with high sulfur content, in Proceedings Iron Ore 2013 , pp 525-530 (The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy: Melbourne).
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  • Study on Improving Roasting Behaviours and Metallurgical Properties of Brazilian Hematite Pellets by Adding Magnetite with High Sulfur Content
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  • Published: 2012
  • PDF Size: 2.284 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P201306068

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