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Iron Ore 2013

Conference Proceedings

Iron Ore 2013

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The Role of Metallurgical and Engineering Information Systems in the Optimisation of Iron Ore Beneficiation Processes

Assmang Khumani Iron Ore Mine is exploiting the iron ore deposits that can be found in the Bruce-King-Mokaning farm areas in the Northern Cape, South Africa. The Bruce, King and Mokaning (Khumani) deposits are approximately 10 km south of the town Kathu, adjacent to the Sishen Mine. Assmang Limited is jointly owned and controlled by African Rainbow Minerals Limited and Assore Limited.Measurement, calculation and trending of plant throughput and chemical ore properties are critical in maintaining a successful beneficiation operation due to these values forming the basis of decision-making and thus promotion of efficient ore extraction. The Khumani management and engineering information system (MEIS) supplies information on key process parameters to an operational team and is required to do so within an optimal time frame, for maximum impact.Diverse data is put into the MEIS from multiple specialist systems, with interfaces that require manual intervention. Manual intervention is resource and time intensive to the point which limits the effect on the process and decreases the potential for value addition.Automation of interfaces decreases resource and time requirements, standardising plant wide data sources and providing the opportunity to provide specialist system data to decision-makers in a timely fashion, resulting in maximum impact on the process output.Engineering and metallurgical management systems were interfaced at Khumani Iron Mine by means of an automated table which facilitates the transfer of production data validated within the engineering system as input to the metal accounting system. This interface effectively assigns a master to each specialist data set employed for decision-making and delivers accurate process parameters to the production team within an optimal time frame, resulting in increased potential to improve beneficiation efficiency.CITATION:Nel, H M, Nassis, T and du Toit, T, 2013. The role of metallurgical and engineering information systems in the optimisation of iron ore beneficiation processes, in Proceedings Iron Ore 2013 , pp 453-458 (The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy: Melbourne).
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  • Published: 2013
  • PDF Size: 1.356 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P201306057

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