Conference Proceedings
Iron Ore 2015
Conference Proceedings
Iron Ore 2015
Characterising the Blasting Properties of Iron Ore
Most iron ores occur in mine benches as complex mixtures of lithologies and ore types. This significantly complicates their characterisation for both blast design and fragmentation modelling. A great deal of technical and research effort has been applied to the development of models to predict fragmentation from rock blasting. A number of quite useful engineering models are currently available to blasting engineers and consultants, and more sophisticated approaches using mechanistic descriptions of rock breakage continue to be developed and applied by researchers and explosives companies.The engineering or empirical models that are in more general use within the industry, such as the Kuz-Ram model, require appropriate data if they are to generate useful fragmentation predictions. Some of these models have reached significant sophistication and have made very useful contributions to both routine blasting operations and the exploration of new blasting paradigms. However, these models struggle to adequately deal with rock that is as complex as iron ore. This paper reviews the characteristics of the most successful blast fragmentation models available to the industry and discusses approaches to the derivation of suitable rock mass properties to adequately describe blast fragmentation in a range of iron ores.CITATION:Scott, A and Onederra, I, 2015. Characterising the blasting properties of iron ore, in Proceedings Iron Ore 2015, pp 481-490 (The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy: Melbourne).
A Scott, I Onederra
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- Published: 2015
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