Conference Proceedings
Iron Ore 2015
Conference Proceedings
Iron Ore 2015
Guidelines for Selecting Pellet Plant Technology
As greater amounts of fine iron ore concentrates enter the marketplace, new investments in iron ore pelletising capacity are inevitable to deliver these concentrates to steel industry consumers. When investors assess the two well-proven pelletising technologies, the straight grate and grate-kiln, the most appropriate choice may not be immediately evident. Certain technical, market and site-specific factors will favour one technology over the other; investors need to be aware and understand these factors in order to make the best investment decision. Hatch has compared the merits of both technologies regarding plant configuration; type of iron ore processed; energy consumption and flexibility to use a variety of fuels; ability to produce the required pellet quality; required plant capacity and scale; operating and capital costs and environmental performance. A technology assessment checklist that investors should consider when making a new pellet plant investment decision is presented.CITATION:Huerta, M, Bolen, J, Okrutny, M, Cameron, I and O'Leary, K, 2015. Guidelines for selecting pellet plant technology, in Proceedings Iron Ore 2015, pp 45-52 (The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy: Melbourne).
M Huerta, J Bolen, M Okrutny, I Cameron, K O'Leary
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- Published: 2015
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