Conference Proceedings
Iron Ore 2021
Conference Proceedings
Iron Ore 2021
CITIC concentrate performance in pelletising and sintering
This work presents the fundamental properties of CITIC magnetite concentrate and its performance in pelletising and sintering. CITIC concentrate has been widely used in pelletising to produce pellets for blast furnaces. It is also used in sintering to benefit from its sintering performance.
CITIC concentrate has excellent balling properties owing to its size distribution, particle surface properties, large specific surface area and balling index, leading to strong green pellets and product pellets. When used in sintering at appropriate levels, sinter bed permeability improves, productivity is increased while coke consumption reduces, and sinter strength improves.
CITIC concentrate has excellent balling properties owing to its size distribution, particle surface properties, large specific surface area and balling index, leading to strong green pellets and product pellets. When used in sintering at appropriate levels, sinter bed permeability improves, productivity is increased while coke consumption reduces, and sinter strength improves.
L Y Yang, Z Wang
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- Published: 2021
- Pages: 12
- PDF Size: 1.86 Mb.
- Unique ID: P-01658-K0W3B8