Conference Proceedings
Iron Ore 2021
Conference Proceedings
Iron Ore 2021
Spatial distribution of major, minor and trace elements in iron ores, using micro-XRF technology
The increasing demand for iron ore with low concentrations of trace elements, puts increasing pressure on iron ore producers for high-quality material. Understanding the mineralogy, petrography, chemistry, and mineral association of iron ore deposits is becoming increasingly important to provide iron ore products that meet the ever-increasing standards of steel mills. Limited attention has been paid to documenting new orebodies beyond bulk RC drill chip assays and product specification data. Therefore, limited information is known about the spatial distribution of minor and trace elements at the hand specimen scale, and elemental deportment within different ore and gangue minerals. In this study, samples from high-grade microplaty hematite, supergene-enriched martite-goethite and hematite iron ores are examined for their elemental and mineral associations. These samples contain distinctive minor and trace element distributions, with the mapping of deleterious elements (eg Zn, As, Cu) enabling the deportment and abundance within the ore and gangue minerals to be assessed. Results from this study show a diverse range of minor and trace mineralogy that are present in typical iron ore samples, in abundances below the detection limit of routine XRD scans, that host the deleterious elements, including but not limited to, sphalerite (Zn and S), chalcopyrite (Cu and S), xenotime (P and Y), apatite (P and Ca), cryptomelane (K and Mn), barite (Ba and S), alkaline feldspar (K, Al and Si) zircon (Zr and Si) and chromite (Cr and Al). The presence of these minerals and associated deleterious elements, even at low concentrations, has implications for producers, with the ongoing restrictions and tightening of environmental constraints in shipped iron ore products. By understanding the distribution and location of these elements within the iron ore, steps can be considered to maintain increasingly higher quality iron ore supply around the world.
N J Potter, J M F Clout, N W Brand
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- Published: 2021
- Pages: 11
- PDF Size: 4.113 Mb.
- Unique ID: P-01667-S2M7F8