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Conference Proceedings

Iron Ore 2021

Conference Proceedings

Iron Ore 2021

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Utilisation of energy sources other than coke in the sintering process

Following the Paris Agreement adopted in 2015 and the SDGs, reduction of CO2 emissions has been taken up as an issue worldwide, and the steel industry, which has a particularly large emission, is required to significantly reduce it. Most of the CO2 generated in the steel industry is generated from the ironmaking process, due to the use of coke and its raw material coal in the ironmaking process.
JFE Steel Corporation has been considering the use of hydrocarbon-based gaseous fuels and liquid fuels as a partial alternative to coke breeze used in the sintering process since 2006, immediately after the Kyoto Protocol came into effect in 2005. In a laboratory study, a pot test was used to investigate the effect of the type of fuel, its amount and its injection method on the heat pattern in sinter bed. As a result, the authors developed a technology, in which a predetermined amount of gas fuel or liquid fuel was injected from the surface of sintering bed to extend the holding time of 1200°C or higher at which liquid phase sintering occurs in the layer, to improve the sinter strength while reducing the amount of coke breeze. The authors succeeded in putting this technology to practical use using hydrocarbon-based gas fuel in 2009 and achieved a maximum annual reduction of 60 000 tons of CO2 per sintering machine.
In this report, the authors introduce the results of laboratory studies on the use of various energy sources, the practical application of the technology for injecting hydrocarbon-based gaseous fuel into the sintering machine, and the operational results.
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  • Published: 2021
  • Pages: 15
  • PDF Size: 5.686 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P-01683-G2V9S5

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