Conference Proceedings
Iron Ore Conference Proceeding 2023
Conference Proceedings
Iron Ore Conference Proceeding 2023
Development of an iron ore analysis method applying assimilation reaction to coarse ore
Since sintered ore is the primary source for producing molten iron in the blast furnace process, maintaining stable quality despite the utilisation of low-grade iron ore is crucial. However, conventional analysis methods, such as chemical composition, ore size distribution and types of iron ore, have limitations in developing the utilisation of new low-grade iron ore and predicting sintered ore properties. Sintered ores are formed through a complex melting process of granule particles consisting of iron ore, flux and fuel. Consequently, it has been investigated that analysis methods which apply the reactive properties of iron ore to predict sintered ore characteristics. In this study, we estimated the properties of iron ore by simulating the assimilation process of coarse ore, which influences the bonding strength of sintered ores and quantifying the degree of assimilation reaction. Pseudo particles were formed by granulating coarse ore (1–3 mm) with adhering fines, which act as primary melts and sintered at 1623 K. The bonding strength of individual sintered ores, formed from 11 different types of iron ore, was measured using a simplified Tumbler Index (TI) test and each value was indexed as the Iron ore Reactivity Index (IRI). By investigating the relationship between the degree of assimilation depending on iron ore properties and the characteristics of sintered ore, we demonstrated that sintered ores formed from more reactive iron ore exhibited stronger bonding strength. Moreover, when blending conditions resulted in a higher Iron Blending ore Reactivity Index (IBRI), the physical properties of sintered ore improved. The development of this analysis method is expected to not only enable careful consideration of iron ore usability but also allow for the advance prediction of sintered ore qualities by deriving the IBRI.
Y Hong, Y M Lee, B C Kim
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- Published: 2023
- Pages: 6
- PDF Size: 0.316 Mb.
- Unique ID: P-03342-G5H5H1