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Conference Proceedings

Life of Mine Conference 2023

Conference Proceedings

Life of Mine Conference 2023

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Design and calibration of a climate resilient Type B (adapted) sediment basin at the Dugald River Mine in the north-west Queensland minerals province

Dugald River Mine (DRM) is located approximately 85 km north-east of Mount Isa, and 65 km northwest of Cloncurry, in the north-west Queensland Minerals Province of Australia. DRM is an underground operation and includes an above ground processing area, a 200 ha tailings facility, two waste rock dumps and associated infrastructure. The mining method is conventional underground longhole open stoping and downhole benching of a lead/zinc deposit within a black slate environment. The deposit is estimated to contain ~53 Mt of zinc and lead, which will be mined over a 30-year period. During operations, waste rock is segregated into either Potentially Acid Forming (PAF) or Non-Acid Forming (NAF) based primarily on the sulfide concentration of the rock. In particular, the NAF waste rock is an asset and is used for various small construction projects during operation; however, its primary use is for rehabilitation work at closure. Since beginning operations in 2017, DRM has generated more NAF than was originally anticipated. Whilst this is an excellent asset to DRM, it did pose a logistical problem of where to store the additional NAF for the life-of-mine and how to manage the run-off. DRM experiences distinct wet and dry seasons with hot conditions and periods of rainfall between November to April, and relatively dry and mild conditions between May to October. Majority of rainfall is received between January and February with an annual average rainfall of 501.1 mm. Short and intense rainfall events are common. DRM’s above ground infrastructure is land-locked between two large ephemeral watercourses, making the significant expansion of any assets challenging from a permitting/regulation and cost perspective. MMG is also a member of the International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM) and is committed to adapting to a changing climate through operations and closure. Following extensive studies DRM opted to store the additional NAF material into the adjoining NAF Dam and concurrently upgrade a previously minor sediment basin into a highly engineered sediment basin which relies on automatic flocculant dosing to meet the required discharge quality limits. This basin is climate-resilient in that the dosing system can be adjusted to counter high intensity extended rainfall events which produce highly variable inflow water quality. This abstract broadly describes how DRM designed and implemented an engineering innovation to enable the site to meet the changing climatic challenges. The abstract then describes the process to design the sediment basin and how the dosing rate was established and validated. Finally, the abstract comments on the effectiveness of the sediment basin and how it has revolutionised DRM’s approach to water treatment and management; all whilst minimising the disturbance footprint of the operation
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  • Design and calibration of a climate resilient Type B (adapted) sediment basin at the Dugald River Mine in the north-west Queensland minerals province
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  • Design and calibration of a climate resilient Type B (adapted) sediment basin at the Dugald River Mine in the north-west Queensland minerals province
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  • Published: 2023
  • Pages: 6
  • PDF Size: 0.349 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P-03254-Q9T7V0

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