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Conference Proceedings

Life of Mine Conference 2023

Conference Proceedings

Life of Mine Conference 2023

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Incorporating the true costs and opportunities of rehabilitation and closure in project selection, design and approvals

Historically, key closure risks have been studied during operations and then further assessed as cessation of mining approaches. Only in the past couple of decades or so has progressive rehabilitation and closure become an integral part of regulatory frameworks, sustainable mine planning and more recently, new project and development planning. It is now broadly accepted that the best closure outcomes occur when rehabilitation and closure are properly considered upfront, during the early stages of a mine development project and well before mining occurs. Increasingly, regulatory processes are requiring more diligence on early closure planning, often as part of the environmental impact assessment (EIA) and approvals process, rather than later in dedicated closure study phases. There is an opportunity to use the information generated during this phase to make better decisions on project selection, design, mining methodology and all other facets of the mining operation.
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  • Incorporating the true costs and opportunities of rehabilitation and closure in project selection, design and approvals
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  • Incorporating the true costs and opportunities of rehabilitation and closure in project selection, design and approvals
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  • Published: 2023
  • Pages: 2
  • PDF Size: 0.086 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P-03258-Y5P2V3

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