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Conference Proceedings

Life of Mine Conference 2023

Conference Proceedings

Life of Mine Conference 2023

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Moving beyond Net Present Value project evaluation to achieve Environmental, Social and Governance goals for mine operations and closure

The financial evaluation of mining projects drives a whole range of decision-making regarding project viability, project design, operating models and closure philosophy. Net Present Value is a financial assessment approach that is pervasive across the industry and has been widely criticised for driving short-term thinking and leading to poor long-term outcomes and future unfunded closure liabilities. But are there alternative models and what are the impediments to their implementation? This paper aims to outline current and past mine closure practices in the mining industry and questions these outcomes given the changing shareholder investment requirement for alignment with sustainable Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) goals. Examples are presented of closure programs planned and executed in the later stage of the life-of-mine and explores the benefits that could have been realised by integrating these into concurrent production operations. Examples of simultaneous mine development and closure execution and their benefits are presented, and their relevance to corporate investor branding. This paper also discusses the concept of investor project ownership through to sustainable closure and outlines alternative approaches to responsible, sustainable mine closure. We explore the current mining industry divestment practices to remove closure liability from the balance sheet. These underlying financial practices and Net Present Value approach to Mine Closure and alternative approaches are discussed.
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  • Moving beyond Net Present Value project evaluation to achieve Environmental, Social and Governance goals for mine operations and closure
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  • Published: 2023
  • Pages: 1
  • PDF Size: 0.088 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P-03256-K6P2L6

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