Conference Proceedings
Life of Mine Conference 2023
Conference Proceedings
Life of Mine Conference 2023
Quantifying the influence of weathering on erosion and degradation of post mining landforms
is placed in a waste rock dump, which is usually later reshaped to be erosionally stable, initiate and sustain vegetation and ultimately integrate with the surrounding undisturbed landscape. However, it is unclear how this exhumed material will weather and evolve for most sites. Also, there is a lack of data on the weathering of post-mining materials. If weathering is better understood, then there is the potential to improve rehabilitation outcomes. To improve predictions of the evolution of soil properties and weathering-limited erosion, estimating the rate at which fine, transportable material is produced from the weathering of larger, non-transportable particles and the resultant fragment size distribution and how that distribution evolves over time is necessary. This study examines the weathering process for four different coalmine waste rock materials for a Bowen Basin, Queensland site. Materials obtained from various areas of the coalmine were subjected to cyclic wetting and drying and heating and cooling. Particle size distribution and other material properties were explored after each experimental cycle to ascertain how the material changes during the experimental cycles. The particle size distribution data of wet and dry cycles were used as input data in a numerical weathering model to explore the dynamics of the weathering process for each material sample. A Monte Carlo framework was employed to assess the geometry of the weathering products, weathering rate and the number of daughter particles produced within a weathering cycle. Then the SSSPAM Landscape Evolution Model was used to evaluate the influence of weathering on erosion and landscape evolution of a post mining landform. SSSPAM simulations with: (i) active weathering and (ii) without weathering were run for each material. The erosion rate and the overall landform structure were then compared between weathering and non-weathering simulations.
W D D P Welivitiya and G R Hancock
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- Published: 2023
- Pages: 3
- PDF Size: 1.958 Mb.
- Unique ID: P-03251-M7T7H1