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Conference Proceedings

Life of Mine Conference 2023

Conference Proceedings

Life of Mine Conference 2023

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The role of the regulator in promoting a highly reliable mining industry

Regulators have an important role to play in fostering and enabling reliable, effective, environmental management. Given this, it is perhaps surprising that there has been relatively little debate on exactly how regulators can enhance their own approaches, in order to promote improved outcomes overall. The authors argue that applying research on High Reliability Organisations, as well as the University of Pennsylvania’s Penn Program Framework for Regulatory Excellence, to regulators has the potential to facilitate positive environmental results across the mine life cycle.
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  • The role of the regulator in promoting a highly reliable mining industry
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  • Published: 2023
  • Pages: 3
  • PDF Size: 0.1 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P-03238-X6T0H4

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