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A Case History of the Crusher Level Development at Henderson

As an integral part of the conversion from rail haulage to conveyor haulage at Henderson, over six kilometres of drifting and several large complex openings were mined. The deepest of these areas was nearly two kilometres beneath the surface, bringing all of the challenges of rock stress and heat that come with mining at these depths. Though many mines operate at these depths, the development of the infrastructure necessary to support a 36 000 tonne per day caving operation brought some unique challenges to the development mining activity. The issues handled include: finding experienced staff for a fast track' development program; rock bursts and ground conditions; inflow of 50 degree centigrade water; acceleration of the project completion; large diameter raise boring and difficult muck handling.
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  • Published: 1999
  • PDF Size: 2.463 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P200007034

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