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An Experimental Study on Large-Diameter Longhole Mining of High Stope at Anqing Copper Mine

All high stopes and pillars in Anqing Copper Mine were extracted by use of large-diameter longhole mining method. The height of stopes was 120 m. The forced mining was the leading concept that the safe and efficient operation was carried out in this mine, while the mining production was faced with the major technical problems on the stability of both primary ore pillars produced in the first-step stoping of stopes and the cemented fillbody on two sides of stope in the second-step stopping of pillars. Starting with mining technology, the authors emphatically describe the test results obtained in Anqing Copper Mine and make an approach to the deployment prospects and development trend of large-diameter longhole mining technology in China underground metal mines.
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  • Published: 1999
  • PDF Size: 0.277 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P200007071

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