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Bulk Low-Grade Mining at Mount Charlotte Mine

Although the Mt Charlotte gold resource was discovered in 1893, it was only in 1954 that geologists correctly interpreted drill data and defined a large low-grade orebody. The mine has been a large, low-cost and profitable producer since 1962 when bulk mining commenced using cut and fill. From 1968 a combination of long hole open stoping with delayed mass blasting was used. This proved to be an excellent mining method for the large, separate subvertical orebodies. The structured but otherwise good quality rock allowed very large stopes to stand unsupported. Exceptionally large equipment, for its time, was used to efficiently mine, muck and move the ore at low-cost. The mine only just survived severe cost pressures in 1974-76, due to very low gold prices. Better gold prices in 1979 and a need to access deeper ore meant a bold commitment to sink the Cassidy Shaft and refurbish the mine to sustain future profitability. In 1997 the Sam Pearce Decline connected to the underground workings, making it profitable to mine upper level remnant ore. Mining-induced seismicity has been a feature of mining at Mt Charlotte. The main cause has been shearing on structures. A mine-wide seismic system was installed in 1994. Large seismic events have occasionally made management question whether a safe working environment can be maintained. Thorough investigations led to an understanding of the problem and development of procedures to minimise seismicity.
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  • Published: 1999
  • PDF Size: 1.599 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P200007063

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