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Characterising the Mining Environment for Underground Mass Mining

The purposes of defining the mining environment for underground mass mining and the uses of characterisation data are outlined. The requirements for data in the areas of geology, surface and groundwater hydrology, topography and environmental constraints and geotechnical studies are identified. Emphasis is then placed on the collection and interpretation of geotechnical data for establishing the in situ stress regime and for rock mass characterisation. Methods used for diamond drilling, core logging, borehole logging, data analysis and presentation, rock mass modelling and rock mass classification are outlined. Finally, recent and potential advances in the state-of-the-art are identified in areas such as geophysical methods, measurement while drilling, computerised data collection and analysis, rock mass modelling, in situ stress measurement data presentation and interpretation, and some applications of rock mass characterisation data.
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  • Published: 1999
  • PDF Size: 0.67 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P200007003

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