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Designing and Delivering Explosives Systems and Solutions for the Underground Massive Mining Industry: The Next Five Years with Dyno Nobel

The extraction of world-class mineral deposits using massive underground mining techniques is not an entirely new theme to world mining companies and experts. Previous MassMin conferences have helped to gather and disseminate the valuable experience and knowledge so important for the proliferation of safe and efficient mining of large underground deposits. With the passing years since the first MassMin conference in Denver in 1981, a number of factors have contributed to an increase in massive underground mining around the world, including environmental pressures, gradual exhaustion of shallower deposits and the enabling effects of improving technology in disciplines related to underground mining. Massive underground mining is heading deeper, embracing challenges which include working with elevated temperatures, increasing in situ and mining induced stress levels and longer ore transport routes. Improvements in mineral processing technology will tend to lead operators to contemplate the extraction of lower grade orebodies in the event that the ore can be efficiently transported to the surface and hence the plant. No doubt this tendency, and its associated challenges is encouraging a rich growth in innovative engineering in such fields as mine planning and materials handling as well as geomechanical issues such as support design and the simulation of extraction sequence effects on stress re-distribution. MassMin 2000, we are sure, will showcase a wide variety of new contributions in thought and actions in these fields. There is a definite place for academic institutions and mining related suppliers in the process of developing new technologies and practices in support of present and future endeavour in this field. Dyno Nobel has its own part to play, certainly as an enthusiastic and proud major sponsor of MassMin 2000, but also by means of identifying common cause between our Vision and Values and the needs, present and future, of the underground massive mining industry. The critical success factors, which Dyno Nobel pursues are:health, safety and environment,customer relationships and market development,cost optimisation (while maintaining quality),technology and innovation,organisational development, andleveraging capabilities globally. Through the present paper we would like to share some of these values and offer some practical insights as to how their realisation will contribute to the achievement of MassMin goals and needs.
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  • Designing and Delivering Explosives Systems and Solutions for the Underground Massive Mining Industry: The Next Five Years with Dyno Nobel
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  • Published: 1999
  • PDF Size: 0.055 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P200007015

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