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Draw Control at Premier Mine

Draw control at Premier Mine is considered important to avoid conditions of isolated draw, which results in early waste ingress, compaction of the kimberlite ore and loss of ore reserves. The Premier Mine kimberlite pipe is unique in that the pipe is cut at a depth of 400 metres below surface by a 75 metre thick gabbro sill. All cave mining at Premier is below the sill and failure to exercise good draw control could cause early ingress of gabbro waste. Gabbro causes problems in the diamond recovery plant and the amount of gabbro sent to the plant needs to be closely monitored._x000D_
Fortunately coarse gabbro fragments are easy to recognise in drawpoints. It was anticipated that only 85 per cent of available ore would be drawn from the blocks immediately overlain by the gabbro sill before excessive gabbro waste forced the closure of drawpoints. Data on tons drawn per drawpoint and loaded per LHD as well as the tons tipped per pass is gathered by the vehicle monitoring and control (VMAC) system and information recorded by the load-haul-dump (LHD) drivers. Draw control staff monitor drawpoints on a shift basis and record the occurrence, type and height of hang-ups. Information pertaining to the status of the drawpoint in terms of support, waste and availability is also recorded. A database has been compiled that has been used to analyse the overall pattern of draw control, the frequency of occurrence of different types of hang-ups, secondary blasting efficiencies and drawpoint and LHD productivity. The gabbro sill has provided a unique marker horizon that has allowed the arrival of rock from a level 100 metres above the production level to be recognised. Data shows that ore migrates extensively towards groups of drawpoints that are heavily drawn with many drawpoints more than 100 per cent drawn before gabbro waste was recognised. This indicates that an accurate mixing algorithm is essential for good draw control. Data on tons drawn, drawpoint availability, productivity and the occurrence of various types of hang-ups has allowed better control of the mining operation and provided data for planning future caves. In the BA5 mining block a drawpoint spacing of 22 metres, horizontally across the major apex, has still allowed drawpoints to be pulled to waste with no loss of ore. In the BB1E mining block the drawpoint spacing has been increased to 23 metres and no problems have been experienced to-date. Future initiatives centre on improving the data gathering integrity of the vehicle monitoring and control system and a linear programme that will optimise draw control and productivity.
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  • Published: 1999
  • PDF Size: 1.147 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P200007051

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