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Engineering the New Olympic Dam Backfill System

WMC Resources Pty Ltd - Copper Uranium Division operates the large underground Olympic Dam Mine at Roxby Downs, South Australia. These operations mine and process the ore to produce refined copper, uranium oxide, gold and silver. In mid-1996, the company committed to the Olympic Dam Expansion Project (OEP) to expand production from 3.0 million tonnes per annum of ore (85 000 tonnes per annum of copper metal) to over 9.0 million tonnes per annum of ore (over 200 000 tonnes per annum of copper metal). Along with the increase in the ore production capacity of the underground mine and the surface ore handling and processing facilities, expansion of the backfill system was required. The target backfill placement rate was 2.0 million cubic metres of backfill per annum which was to be predominantly delivered as cemented aggregate fill (CAF). This paper discusses the engineering activities undertaken to assess and change the method of designing the required strength of fill exposures. In addition, the operational changes that were introduced to achieve the required fill quantities and the mix designs to meet the specified strengths, including the use of alternate binders, are discussed. This work resulted in a large increase in the fill placement rate and a reduction in the overall unit cost of fill.
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  • Published: 1999
  • PDF Size: 2.489 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P200007074

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