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Esmeralda Mine Exploitation Project

Within the framework in which future exploitations for Codelco-Chile Divisin El Teniente are situated, regarding the deepening of its reserves and the geotechnical problems that affect their recovery, it becomes strategic to evolve with new variants, which make deep mining possible. Codelco Chile's Divisin El Teniente is progressing within its long-term planning the exploitation of a sector called Esmeralda, which includes its removal through the gravitational caving method (panel caving). It is planned to use pre-caving, which basically consists of developing and undermining the undercut level, without having developed the infrastructure of the production and transport levels. This is carried out in order to achieve a better redistribution of the stresses, thus obtaining higher quality in the infrastructure development of these levels as well as less risk. The extraction reserves for this area, estimated through the opportunity cost selection criteria, were determined at 348 million tons with an average grade of 1.014 per cent Cu. The project carried out geological and geotechnical studies in order to prevent the geomechanical risks of the sector to be exploited, which is a site conformed totally by primary ore. Lithologically, it occurs mainly in Andesite, located at the western limit by Brecha Braden Pipe. There are also varieties of porphyries and hydrothermal breaches of anhydrite. The Esmeralda Mine production program will increase from 4000 tpd (average) in 1998 to its 45 000 tpd rate of production estimated for the year 2005. The approved investment for the period 1995 to 1999 is $US 150 million, out of a total $US 213 million for the project. At feasibility study level and before the project, it showed a Net Present Value of $US 342 million, an Internal Rate of Return of 37 per cent and an IVAN indicator of 2.3 for a ten per cent discount rate and a copper price of 100 US cents/lb.
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  • Published: 1999
  • PDF Size: 1.31 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P200007029

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