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Geotechnical Aspects of Open Stope Design at BHP Cannington

Open stoping dimensions are typically controlled by a number of factors including production drilling capacity, scheduling, fill constraints, orebody dimensions and host wall rock conditions. Frequently host wall rock conditions are the key control on stope dimensions. As a new mine is brought into production, there is a steep geotechnical learning curve for those associated with the development of the mine. Initially, the experience and observations gained at other mines is used to guide the stope design. As experience is gained at the new operation, site specific techniques can be validated for use. This has been the case at BHP Cannington, where a heavy emphasis has been placed on the validation of empirical stope stability techniques for site specific conditions and experience. A range of empirical and numerical techniques can be applied during the design of open stopes. The empirical techniques are an experience based application of known performance levels during the design of open stopes. The numerical modelling and structural tools can be used to compliment the empirical techniques so that an understanding can be gained of the likely stress and structurally controlled failure mechanisms.
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  • Published: 1999
  • PDF Size: 0.189 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P200007076

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