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Grade Estimation for Short-Term Planning in Block Caving Mines

This paper reviews methods for grade estimation in short-term mine planning for block caving. Two particular tools are used: Ordinary Kriging and Simple Kriging with moving averages. It is also considered the influence of draw characteristics on the grade estimation process. Reference is made to mine case study data and analysis. These demonstrate that operational grade estimation is not a trivial process. It must take into consideration: the grade variability (in terms of ore and dilution), sampling interval, geological and geotechnical characteristics, geometrical layout and draw characteristics. Significant improvements appear possible in short-term planning if variogram analysis, as well as kriging methodologies, are introduced into the operational grade estimation process.
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  • Published: 1999
  • PDF Size: 0.163 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P200007095

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