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Hudson Bay Mining and Smelting - A Turnaround Success'

Today Hudson Bay Mining and Smelting's 777 Project is the largest mining construction project under way in Canada. The project comprises six components: construction of the new 777 zinc-copper mine; construction of the new Chisel North zinc mine that will truck ore out from 600 metres below surface; expansion of the Flin Flon ore concentrator; expansion of the zinc plant to increase throughput by 15 per cent; a spill gas project that will reduce fugitive gas emissions by some 90 per cent; and infrastructure improvements including construction of a new electrical substation. Total investment in The 777 Project is over $US 260 million. Seven years ago, the Flin Flon, Manitoba-based company was fighting for its very existence. How does a company go from down-for-the-count to robust contender in just seven years? Contributing reasons are many, but all have their root in a process HBMS calls Transformation'. It is transformation that has taken HBMS, a very traditional company, through a very non-traditional turnaround (Figure 1).
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  • Published: 1999
  • PDF Size: 0.228 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P200007086

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