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Impact of Stope Geometry on Backfill Systems for Bulk Mining

AMC has completed a number of backfill options studies, including several in recent years for large, three-dimensional orebodies involving total extraction by longhole open stoping with backfill. This has led to the development of a thorough review methodology that assists in the selection of the most appropriate backfill system and the most economic mixes to achieve the required performance. A recently developed design tool has simplified the calculation of backfill strengths for various exposure dimensions and automatically determines strengths incrementally over the height of a stope. Using a generic orebody with a plan dimension of 120 m wide by 360 m long, several different stoping layouts have been analysed to determine the effect of stope dimensions and sequencing on backfill strength requirements. This has been done for stope heights from 50 m to 300 m, in 50 m increments. The required strengths have been calculated in slices and summarised for each stope in four equal layers. The average strength requirement for each layout at each stope height has been compared graphically. For all stope heights, a panel stope layout that minimises the proportion of primary stopes results in a lower average strength requirement than grid layouts on a checkerboard pattern. However, for very high stopes, smaller plan dimensions become more economic. The increase in required strength with stope height is non-linear, making taller stopes potentially more attractive. The main cost factor in most backfills is the rate of binder addition, which is closely related to the strength required. By choosing a layout that minimises the backfill strength requirement, significant savings in binder addition rates and overall costs can be achieved. These must, of course, be weighed against other factors to determine the optimum stoping layout and backfill system.
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  • Published: 1999
  • PDF Size: 0.459 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P200007072

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